This is the earliest photo I have of my dad, Henry Joseph Frederick Cohen. I don't know very much about my dad because there are big chunks of "absence" of him in my life. I know he was born on April 8, 1917. I don't know where he was born, nor do I know anything about his father. His mother, Nellie, was a very strong influence in my young life and I credit her with my love for many of the old musical classics. More about her further down. After my parents divorced (twice), my dad made what seemed like obligatory annual visits on my birthday. He would show up, take me out to eat, lay down rules of what I wasn't supposed to do, and then disappear for another year. He did come to my graduation. Not long after, he and my step-mother invited me to live with them. There I was, 18-years-old and sitting on a Greyhound bus for an eight-hour trip to the western end of PA. Unfortunately, that lasted for only one week because of a huge difference in personalities. So, back on the Greyhound bus for an eight-hour trip back to the eastern end of PA. We didn't hook up again till my then-fiancé and I went to visit them in February of 1970. What an amazing visit that turned out to be. We learned that we actually liked each other. It took me until I was 28-years-old to appreciate my dad and have fun with him. I'm so glad we made peace and enjoyed each other because he died in September of 1970. He was only 53-years-old.
- Sandie Mountain, one-half of Saromo.
The above is an abbreviated biography of my history. I did this in an attempt at locating anyone who might be part of my family tree. Right now, though, it looks pretty sparse...too many twigs missing. Saromo.
More Photos of Known Branches I have scanned whatever pictures I have. Some were clipped by my mother from a newspaper. Position the cursor of each picture for a brief description. If you are just "surfing through here" and you recognize any photos or names, please contact me.
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